Monday, July 9, 2012

Back in Time

When giving advice to students, you might find yourself frozen and lost as to what advice to give them. If that is the case at anytime, just think, "WWID." What would I do? What would I have done if this was me, at that very age. It works. Trust me. Think about it. Rather than telling the student, "I don't know," and having them lose all hope of finding help, tell them "When I was your age, I would have done this." Maybe you had a similar situation or knew of someone with a similar situation that you could bring up to the student. When it comes to honesty, it is much better than just giving the student an answer of you not knowing. Your story might cheer them up. I had countless times where students would tell me that so and so was bothering them because of how they looked or who their friends were and I would constantly find myself telling them stories about when I was their age and what I would do in those situations. You would find within a few days the students attitude has completely changed and they have a new outlook on life.